fruition|fruitions in English


[fru·i·tion || fruː'ɪʃn]

fulfillment, realization, accomplishment; satisfaction achieved through realization of a dream or goal; bearing of fruit

Use "fruition|fruitions" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "fruition|fruitions" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "fruition|fruitions", or refer to the context using the word "fruition|fruitions" in the English Dictionary.

1. However, this did not come to fruition.

2. Americano is a family dream come to fruition

3. He discussed how he brought his idea to fruition.

4. The Witch King's long plan had come to fruition.

5. His proposals only came to fruition after the war.

6. His extravagant ideas were never brought to fruition.

7. Their efforts came to fruition many years later.

8. After years of hard work(sentencedict .com), his hopes came to fruition.

9. Neither came to fruition, and I shall never know why.

10. We discussed several ideas which are now ripe or near fruition.

11. Many people have worked together to bring this scheme to fruition.

12. Centerpiece ideas can involve the whole family to bring to fruition

13. Gold is further associated with the wisdom of aging and fruition.

14. After months of hard work, our plans finally came to fruition .

15. Our unconscious plans are often the ones that come to fruition.

16. However, the promised Unix showcase at Comdex/Spring last week never came to fruition.

17. None of his grand plans for a TV series ever came to fruition.

18. Seeing my work come to fruition gives me a strong sense of fulfilment.

19. And I think it is very near fruition, those efforts are very near closure.

20. The Washington Naval Treaty meant that none of these designs came to fruition.

21. The early ideas for Abettor Brewing came to fruition as early as 2014 with the

22. Flannelet redrew reverently our scatty Burbliest down Cavisse; fruitions, synonymic aside from boise i can valproic acid prescription without get quasi-false navahoes

23. being born; coming into being, fruition, realization, etc.: A new era of architecture is Aborning.

24. After much delay, the plan to build the new hospital finally came to fruition.

25. It was left to her successor to bring the plan to its full fruition.